Going for home runs, too many modern players pile up strikeouts instead of making contact with the pitch! It was a monumental find. While pursuing my lifelong study of the skill of hitting, I discovered some old, dusty 16 mm film footage of the great hitters of...
Note: There is a glossary of bat terms at the end of this article Most players today (other than those who are being paid to play) are new to the ways of wood baseball bats. I’ve included some basic knowledge on the subject for the serious player and his coaches...
Let me say this up front. I do not like aluminum bats . . . but I’ll win with them. Practice with wood . . . and you’ll win with aluminum. It’s really very simple. An aluminum bat swing can be mechanically flawed but still get results. Inflated...
THEORY The hitter is more successful if he. 1. Knows what pitch is coming 2. Knows what the action of these pitchers are 3. Knows the pitcher’s tendencies in a given situation INITIAL OBSERVATION 1. Observe the pitcher warming up in the bullpen prior to the...
At Junction City High, we find ourselves constantly “playing from behind” with regard to the skill development of our athletes, since our community is so transient in terms of population. As a result, we spend a great deal of time establishing a workable...
In all of sports hitting a round ball with a rounded bat is said to be the toughest thing to do. It might be true, it might not, but I can tell you that the difference in Major League Baseball between $2 million per year and pumping gas at a Texaco station could be as...