The Batting Average Is Satan

Coach JP Says: A lot of guys know, understand and can teach a great swing…a vital part to maximizing your athlete. Dedicated players will take most of the swings they need to improve. The players who don’t are ultimately eliminated at some future point anyway, so to...

Plan Your Work & Work Your Plan!

1st Things First! Commit to having a plan. With a plan, you have direction. With direction, you get more done in less time and are more apt to get results…which makes you want stick with your plan…and repeat it even more…which gets you better quicker…get it? But…what...

A Favorite Baseball Batting Coach… it might be you!

Ever hear of a ball player named Rudy Jaramillo? Probably not. How about batting Coach Rudy J of the Rangers… No? How about 1972 #1 draft pick Rob Ellis, (that’s the baseball “Heisman Trophy”, folks). Doesn’t ring a bell? Former Twins Batting Coach Rob Ellis…no? All...