Change Up: The Pitch for a Strong Arm’s Lifetime

I have a vivid recollection of a great coach, John Scolinos of Cal Poly Pomona (CA), teaching our star national team Australian pitcher a change of pace pitch in about one minute. The reason the scene stays with me is because a week later the pitcher beat the World...

When and How to Throw a Curveball

When and How to Throw a Curveball Andrew Tinnish – Toronto Blue Jays  Printer-Friendly VersionWhen running instructional clinics for young players I am often asked by coaches and parents “When should my son or daughter start throwing a curveball?”...

Having A Pitch Plan

How many times within a game do you as a coach ask yourself this question: Why is my pitcher throwing that pitch in that situation? We wonder numerous times throughout games how can pitch selection be so misguided. Therefore, a generic “pitch plan” is...

Teaching the Psychology of Pitching

Pitching is the most important aspect of the game! A dominating pitching staff can make all the difference in determining a team’s success. Practice and mastery of the physical elements of pitching will improve the mechanical skills, but developing the...

How to Effectively Use Your Bullpen

As a minor league pitcher and as a coach the difficulties in properly maintaining and managing a bullpen are many. At high school and college levels, the bullpen is often nonexistent. When these players reach a professional level, they are not properly trained or lack...