Recognizing Pitching Faults and Injury Patterns

At the college level, the pitcher is the most often injured player, nearly twice as often injured as a position player, and the throwing mechanism (shoulder, elbow, forearm, and wrist) suffers the highest rate of injury of any of the various body parts. At a high...

Different Pitches and the Reasons We Throw Them

Four-seam fastball – Maximum velocity and should have best command. This is the most important pitch because everything else works off of it.Two-seam fastball (a.k.a. sinker) – This fastball does just that, it sinks. A very good pitch for inducing ground...

Video Analysis of the Pitcher

Throwing a ball is one of the fastest known human actions, but with the use of high speed videotape, computer programs, and muscle testing devices, researchers, bio-mechanists and coaches are able to study and analyze the throwing motion in specific detail. For a...