I received an urgent phone call last February asking me to coach some 15 & 16-year olds. The league was to return their sign-up money because they had no coach.

After I told them NO for the 4th time (hey, I’m really busy running a young but substantial company), I got to thinking about those 13 kids, most of whom had just been cut from their respective High School teams.

9th grade boys, recently humiliated and told they weren’t good enough, and yet here they were signing up for a Spring baseball league just weeks later.

In the words of Annie Savoy from my favorite Baseball movie, Bull Durham,
“You’ve got to admire a player just trying to play out the string!”

I had to say YES and entered into this agreement with the idea that the assistant coach/dads would ultimately learn & take over this age group.

Here’s the point
The game wants and needs you badly and it really doesn’t care about your background or qualifications (inadequacy may only be in your mind). Not everyone has college or pro baseball experience and that shouldn’t intimidate you!
Pedigrees are for dogs, not coaches!
Simply do what it takes to become qualified to coach youth players.

OK, what does it take to become competent and qualified?

  1. You have to love kids (not just yours)
  2. You have to want to be a role model
  3. You need to have perspective on winning & losing
  4. You need to be organized
  5. You need to find knowledge
  6. You need a few tools

Can you handle items 1 through 3?
If so, keep reading.
If not, please forward this article to someone else that you think can help a group of boys.

Item #4 – It’s not as hard as you think. Have a written plan and simply stay ahead of the next chores, practices, games, etc. by using a 3-ring binder. Read the article I penned on the subject called Plan To Succeed. This will absolutely get you started stress-free!

Item #5 – Check out the baseball knowledge found in the books,videos and DVD sets at Baseball Tips.

Parents spend lots of money on lessons, so why not begin a library of teaching materials to use.forever!

Item #6 – Consider fun tools to assist you (not toys found on TV or in Wal-Mart). Start with a few.and add as your budget allows. Kids crave entertaining ways to learn. It’s used in the classroom and on the ball field.

Some year soon, you’ll run into one of your “ex-players,” all grown up.
Undoubtedly he will still call you coach
You may have been there during some of the best days of his life.

Chances are you will get more out of this experience than your players!
You can do this & you are needed.now don’t talk yourself out of it!


Coach John PeterCoach John Peter, presently aged 50 something, is the publisher of Baseball Tips.com and a lifelong student of the greatest game on earth. After being asked to find a more suitable occupation at age 26, many seasons after donning his first uni at age 7, he has transcended his skills into the much more important role of coach and especially as an instructor. He prides himself as never having charged any player or coach for a single lesson! “This game has been wonderful to my family and has afforded me a lifestyle to instruct any local player or coach who seeks my knowledge without charge!”