FASTBALL A four-seam fastball is a variant of the straight fastball. The four-seam fastball is a pitch that is used often by the pitcher to get ahead in the count or when he needs to throw a strike. This type of fastball is intended to have minimal lateral movement. ![]()
With this grip, the pitcher will feel more comfortable with those two fingers apart, as they will have more control because of smaller hands. The pads of those two fingers need to rest on the seam that is farthest away from the body, keeping equal pressure with those two fingers. The thumb will then rest underneath the ball about in the middle of the two fingers. This gives some pitchers a little better control physically, if not mentally. Critically, the thumb needs to rest somewhere on the side to middle of its pad. It’s not necessary to push the baseball all the way back into the hand, which will decrease both control and velocity of the baseball. The pitcher grabs a baseball and finds the area on it where the seams are the closest together. Then, the baseball is rotated so that those seams are perpendicular to his body, with the index and middle fingers on each of those seams respectively. Each finger should be touching the seam from the pads or tips to almost the ball of each finger. The thumb should rest underneath the ball in the middle of those two fingers, finding the apex of the horseshoe part of the seam. The thumb needs to rest on that seam from the side to the middle of its pad. This ball will tend to move for the pitcher a little bit depending on velocity, arm slot angle and pressure points of the fingers.
Ideally, a curveball will have the most break when it reaches the plate, thus making it hardest to hit. A curveball that fails to break soon enough is called a “hanging curve” and is much easier to hit. Also, batters anticipating a curveball may try to move forward (closer to the pitcher) in the batter’s box to hit the curve before it breaks. The curveball rotation is produced when the pitcher snaps his wrist downward at the moment of release, causing the ball to “roll” off the pitcher’s hand. The palm of the pitcher’s hand typically faces up during the follow through after releasing a curveball. A right-handed pitcher throwing a curveball is toughest on a right-handed batter, as the pitch will ideally break down and away from the hitter, as opposed to inside on his hands (that’s what would happen if the right-handed pitcher threw a curve to a left-handed batter). Most batters prefer pitches down and in, instead of down and away, which allows managers to exploit matchups late in games. If a team has three right-handed hitters coming up in the 8th, the opposing manager will usually go with a right-handed set up man because his curve is going to frustrate those hitters more. For some reason, left-handed pitchers are more naturally inclined to throw slower, wider breaking curveballs than righthanders. This is apparent by the number of left-handed pitchers who throw high-looping, lower-velocity curveballs. It is speculated that left-handers have better natural pitching mechanics that are more conducive to being able to make the curveball spin more when thrown.
A circle change can also be used to provide screwball-type movement. By placing the index and ring fingers slightly to the inside (that is, towards the thumb) of the ball and sharply pronating the forearm at release, a pitcher can make the ball move downward and armside. A left-handed pitcher’s circle chance will break down and away from a right-handed batter. Effective circle changeups can reduce the platoon split a pitcher will experience. When releasing the circle change, keep your wrist straight and follow through fully. If this pitch is left up, it will be hit hard! It is a very effective pitch to throw early in the count to produce a ground ball; it is not a strikeout pitch. By rotating your wrist (before you release) you can change the movement from that of a fastball to that of a curveball-like pitch.